go, visit the sites of some friends & fellow musicians

Matthias Daneck's NOW MUSIC
Drummer Matthias Daneck (Horstmann_Wiedmann_Daneck, TILG) has some mysterious projects

Thomas Horstmann and his fine label

Markus Bodenseh
versatile Bass Player - check his site

rein HOLD braig
VIEWPOINT and more (electronic music secrets)

Info & Contact - One of the best German Big Bands

home of the dink... (who's dink? go there!)

Frank Eberle
Frank Eberle - arrived Pianist and Producer (site may be down)

Ulrich Warnecke
Great Guitarist and Composer BRAND NEW site!

Check out the nice atmosphere of

Jazz Kiste Stuttgart
Small Club with good music

Jazzclub Tuebingen
Go there

PhotoBlog (sort of):

jazz vs wine & misc pics

more linx

soon to come

credits: site design by marco dinkel. most of the photography is by ingolf hatz his great website


Martin Wiedmann (freier Musiker)
Haydnstr. 23
70195 Stuttgart

E-Mail: mwmusic@gmx.de
Internet: www.mwmusic.de

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